Lilliesleaf Walk

The girls have gone to Hawick for the day, so once the morning drizzle had passed, I explored more of the local area. Whilst you can, in theory, walk almost anywhere in Scotland, there are still hedges and walls to consider, which can make planning a walk ‘interesting’. 

However, we’ve found some maps on the Web that show potential paths, so off I set… 

All went well until I got to a forest with “No Entry – Logging In Progress” signs. There was little evidence that anything was actually happening, but I found an alternative route. 

This lead to what was shown on the map as a walled track:

Not the most accessible track that I’ve seen! 

After a few more battles with hedges, I reached a lovely spot by the superbly named “Ale Water” river.

The route back was through the Riddle Estate, which at least had some decent tracks to walk on. 

Then back through a small piece of woodland on the farm, which has a little stream running through it. 

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