Early Dance Festival

After a brief visit to the Portrait Gallery, I got back in good time for an afternoon of dancing displays.  Wonderful dancing and beautiful costumes.  I was so absorbed in the spectacle, I forgot to take photos!

Today’s events rounded off with supper and social dancing, including an eightsome reel, which I haven’t done in a while…


A day in Edinburgh

Went into town by bus after breakfast with some of the others.  Popped into the National Gallery and marvelled at The Monarch of the Glen, which I had never seen in reality.

Then by shuttle bus to the Modern Art Gallery to see an exhibition about collage.  That was interesting too.  Rather than go back into town to come out again, I walked back to the Guest House along the river, which was exceedingly enjoyable, if a little damp.

Now time for a shower and change before the festival itself gets underway this evening.

Stage two

Safely arrived in Edinburgh! I have a charming single room with my own loo although the shower is upstairs.  Now I am going to get the bus into town to visit the National Museum of Scotland.

And so back to Orpington…

No photos for Sunday.  Went to the Crescent Theatre in the afternoon to see “Nell Gwyn”, after lunch at Brindley Place.  The play was excellent.  After a quiet evening in, Gemma had to go to work this morning, while I had a leisurely start and an uneventful journey home.


A day at Bournville

We got the train to Bournville this morning for the heritage day.  Gemma’s morris side did a couple of turns; we visited the wool shop; had lunch; visited Selly Manor (pictured); explored the visitor centre and listened to the carillon.  We then got the train to Selly Oak to buy lemonade, and walked home. Ready for a Pimm’s!

Selly Manor

A Visit to Birmingham

I got the train up to Birmingham this morning, met Gemma for lunch and a brief shopping spree.  This included some gin tasting at a stall at the food fare and enjoying some municipal artwork.

We then wandered back to Gemma’s along the canal towpath in the sunshine.

If you look carefully, you can see the University name board through the bridge.