A visit to the museum of London

Four of us decided to go to see the Votes for Women exhibition at the museum of London. The exhibition was good, but disappointingly small. However, it was a lovely day so the walk from Cannon Street was enjoyable.

We passed through the Bloomberg building;

This sculpture – this is only part of it – celebrates the old rivers of London, which is commendable, but we didn’t find it visually appealing…

We preferred more traditional statues.

I should perhaps add that we were five at the museum, having been joined by a husband!

Adventure in Norwich: a very busy day

After breakfast, we had a brief rehearsal, some free time before lunch, then we were first on after lunch. The afternoon was the main part of the festival, with many different groups presenting their versions of historical dances.

After supper, social dancing, and back to the hotel tired but happy.

Unfortunately I was so absorbed in the dancing I didn’t take any photos, but here’s one of Norwich castle from yesterday’s evening walk:

French canals – fauna

We have seen lots of birds on this trip: herons, cormorants, kingfishers and grebes, as well as the usual ducks and swans.

Lots of fish activity; today we were in a particularly clear stretch of water and could see the actual fish. I thought I caught a glimpse of a pike, but I may have been imagining it.

If you look at the top of the photo, you can just make them out.

I also saw a couple of red squirrels a few days ago, and today we saw three otters, which was even more exciting.

French canals – flora

Many of the locks have lovely flower beds, hanging baskets and so on. One even had pumpkins. Across the various canals, the degree of care with which they are kept has varied.

Many of them have patches of woodland nearby. At one lock, the keeper picked us some apples, and today we went foraging for walnuts. Yum!

Les Écluses manuelles

Today’s locks having been entirely manual, I have had the opportunity to get off and help with the gates. This also means that I get the chance to take photos of the boat going along.

Lots of chatting today. One of the lock keepers went to Caen university, where I spent my year abroad all those decades ago!

Tina’s take

I did try taking some photos today, including one of a chateau, but a tree got in the way. I was pleased with this bridge, though.

And, after nearly two weeks, we realised that we can fit the two folding chairs on the front of the boat and thus don’t need to sit among the nettles on the bank for our evening glass of wine!