
I went for a walk in Shoreham Woods yesterday, and the bluebells were superb.

As a bonus, all the paths were dry – I think this is the first time I’ve noticed this here. It’s certainly been a dry spring!


Wild Garlic


Pondwood is part of the National Trust woodland at Petts Wood. There was a major clearance of sycamore trees during Autumn 2011, which left large areas of this wood clear.

This spring, these areas are full of bluebells and wild garlic – the latter I never remember seeing here in such large quantities.


River Cray Modifications

A new channel has been dug alongside the River Cray, just the other side of the river from the boating pond by Lower Road. It looks like part of a flood prevention scheme, though I’ve yet to find confirmation that this really is the case!

This is the “dam” that forces water along the new channel, though at that height, it’s not going to divert much water…