Downe Sunday

After a while, the days seem to merge together, especially with consistent nice weather!
The girls did ‘Circus Skills’ this morning:


And a “Harry Potter” challenge this afternoon.

We then had supper cooked ‘backwoods’ on an open fire – baked potatoes, chicken, broccoli and carrots, followed by baked oranges and bananas, and toasted marshmallow.


Clearing up tomorrow…

Downe Saturday

Another nice day here, and everyone is still (mostly) cheerful.
The girls did various activities in the morning and afternoon, such as ‘Arial Trek’ which involves navigating various challenges high up in the air:



They are attached to safety lines, so little actual danger is involved!

They had home made burgers for supper – these took a long time to make, but were far nicer than shop ones.

They also had an evening wide game, but it started a bit late, and a number of minor injuries occurred while they were running about in dark woods….

Downe Friday

Another lovely day today – everyone in a good mood – mind you, decent weather helps!


The girls made broomsticks from newspaper and played a game of Quid ditch. Then other activities through the day.

The old swimming pool has been turned into a “badger sett” with plastic tubes they can crawl through.


Plus lots of good food!

Camping at Downe

We’re at our annual Guide Camp, this year at Downe.

Reasonable weather, though with the odd shower at the critical moment!


Even though it’s busy, the place seems very quiet compared to the last time we were here 2 years ago at Campdowne.


Lego Crane – Finished!

Finally found some time to finish the last part of this:Crane Jib

The mechanism to extend the arm is quite neat – a worm gear extends the first part, and and an arrangement of cord extends the second part at the same time.

And this is the complete crane, with the arm and outriggers extended. I’m impressed with the various gearboxes that direct the motor power to the different crane functions.

Lego Mobile Crane

New Lego Kit


It’s been a few  years since I got a Lego kit, and this arrived today – it’s still a bit strange getting Amazon deliveries on a Sunday…

It’s a very large mobile crane; more photos as it progresses.