Settling in at York

We found a pub with many unusual nooks, and a small garden complete with bunting.

The Inn we are staying at is called the Judges Lodgings. It has the most comprehensive beverage selection I’ve seen in a hotel room for ages, including a flask of fresh milk and a teapot. With a cosy shaped like a judge’s wig!

Then we met Lucy for supper in yet another pub, this time with a Ruby mild beer for me and reasonable tea for Lucy.

A visit to Lucy 

Having driven to York yesterday to bring Lucy her belongings, we are spending today doing some shopping while the car is here, and a spot of gardening.

She now has a compost bin.  We have agreed to encourage each other over the next few months…

Another post in the series. 

There has been a series of these posts marking significant spots on the Wild Atlantic Way. Just for a change, here is Phil with today’s post. There were a number of islands to be seen, but it was hard to tell which were islands and which were bits of sticky outy coast. 

Same man, different statue. 

Here is another statue, this  time in Limerick,  which caught my eye. It depicts three wild geese in flight – Wild Geese being the name given to men who have left Ireland to fight for foreign armies in Europe or America.  In the background is the bridge over the Shannon. 

Two men and a ferry. 

Phil with a very odd statue on the front at Cobh. I liked the statue. The man is holding a paper boat. Very meaningful… 

We crossed on a ferry to save some driving to the next B&B. I took a terrible photo. This one was only slightly better. 


I left Phil to a quiet evening and set off with an intrepid group in a minibus to experience the delights of Flamenco. We turned up at a cave on the hill opposite the Alhambra:

There were about sixty people in the audience, including a group of school girls from England who were clearly having a great time. 

Who knew how much noise one voice, one guitar and several people clapping could make? There were six female dancers and one man. The costumes were gorgeous, the footwork amazing, and the whole evening was enhanced by a glass of sangria. 

This was definitely a highlight of the tour for me. And to cap it all, the Alhambra was floodlit as we drove back at about 11:30.