It’s still Easter!

The weather has been glorious – which is a blessing, so we have both been busy in the garden.   It was fun trying, though.  there have been the sounds of people out in their gardens this weekend, which has been lovely.

In technology news, I spent ages playing with Movie on the phone, preparing a video message to go on the church Facebook page, then couldn’t get it off the phone!

This evening, I took part in an online communion service, which was surprisingly effective.  here is my bread and wine, ready to go:


Life goes on

Gemma and Lucy were due to visit this weekend, but we had a virtual visit on Saturday, which eventually culminated in a game of Chinese chequers.  Another online church service on Sunday thanks to our brilliant tech team. I am also learning how to add things to the church website, to help relieve the pressure on them.

And so the minutiae of life continue.  I am so glad it’s spring and we live in a house.  There’s always something to do. Although a great deal of it does involve sitting at the computer.

More spring cleaning on Monday, this time the hall bookcase. The last food delivery on Tuesday;now it’s back to weekly visits to the supermarket for the first time in twenty years!  Wednesday morning back to the computer for a video meeting with another church group and some time in the potting shed in the afternoon.

A sense of achievement

Well, the conservatory looks great.  Definitely time for a beer.  Not much time at the computer today, which is a bonus. A bit of chat on social media, but mostly housework.

Usually, I feel guilty when I don’t do the housework. Today Rocco managed to make make me feel guilty because I was doing the housework – and not playing with him!


More adventures with technology

Some bright spark suggested that the church secretaries should do the welcome before our on-line services, and as I am on duty this month, it fell to me to send a video message to our tech guru to add to the Sunday service.  Thought it best to wear slightly less scruffy clothes than in recent days…

Then I continued with the conservatory – the only tech there being a vax and a floor cleaner.

Next, setting up a Tesco order for tomorrow using the tablet – not a new task, for once, but one I will be doing less now that the delivery slots are being given to the vulnerable as a priority.

After supper (old tech here – a hob and a grill), it was time to attend an on-line Elders meeting.  Luckily I was not the tech support for this one!!

Time to close down and switch off the machines and go and find a glass of beer – maybe read a book…

Annual routine, with a difference

It’s normally about this time of year when I spring clean the conservatory.  In the past, I have set aside a day in which to do it, but this year I am taking it a bit more slowly and doing an hour or so each day.  Much better for the old back!  I think I will do it this way in future as well…

I am also tidying up the plants as I go.  This is a really nice room when it is clean and tidy!

This will be the last corner to be tackled, as I work round in an anti-clockwise direction…

Settling in to the new routine

There has been less change over the last few days.  This was the second week of watching, rather than attending, worship, and it feels like a routine is emerging. We are lucky to have social media, despite its bad press, to keep in touch. Also immensely lucky to have a garden to go out in to, and a dog to walk for exercise.

And beer. Also, if we run out of bread flour, at least we’ll be able to eat cake!

A quiet day

So grateful that the weather has been fine again today.  Housework, gardening, walked the dog, rang a friend.

Later, I sat at the piano and played some of the pieces I used to play as a teenager.

Then another first: watching a “night in gig” on Facebook.   Rob Halligan (look him up) is playing in his sitting room.  Good fun!

New growth

I am delighted that the peony, which looked a bit shocked after I moved it last year, has started to regrow.  I hope it will be happier in the pot than in the shady bed it was in before.

The lovage has also come back, which is always a relief.  I would be distraught if I lost that plant; it’s probably the herb I use most of.  I saved some seeds last year, which I have just sown. Fingers crossed, I will have some backup plants.  The grape hyacinths shouldn’t really be there, but they are pretty!

More musings

Phil and I went for a walk on Monday for his birthday.  We went to Petts Wood, where everyone was being very sensible and keeping their distance.  The weather was lovely and the flowers were shining in the sun.  Rocco had fun splashing in the stream.  It was a welcome dose of normality.

I couldn’t get my shadow out of the way!

Pondering on a strange time

What a strange week it has been!  As time went on, so more and more was cancelled.  Since I had already bought the milk by the time Toddlers was cancelled, I used it to make some cheese.

In spite of not having any activities to go to – or very few – I was as busy as usual.  Everyone I know seems to be setting up WhatsApp groups, and emails are flying around dealing with the changing arrangements.  A period of enforced inactivity looks like a good opportunity to catch up on some projects, but so far I have been far from inactive.

At least we are in as good a place as can be expected.  We have enough food, and places to walk the dog while we avoid contact with others.  Only time will tell what happens next, but my heart goes out to everyone who is facing serious health or financial worries.