A different kind of Guiding weekend

This weekend, there were two different Guiding events on-line; SammyLand2020, an on-line festival organised by Chislehurst Division, and the GLK Picnic at Home, organised by the County.

To begin the festival, I made a flower crown.  It was too small for me, so I put it on Jingle Bear.  He also then had to have a wristband!  And I thought he should wear a necker for good measure.

One of the activities was making a “peg portrait”.  So here is his:

There were various other videos to watch and join in with over the weekend, and on Sunday Phil’s mother came round for afternoon tea as our picnic, and I continued the creative theme of the weekend by making scones and jam.


More creativity

Last week, a set of extra large crochet hooks arrived.  The plan is to use them to make rugs, but that will have to wait while I finish off some other stuff.  The bracelet I’m wearing in the picture was an old Guiding one which I adapted by using some embroidery to cover over the wording.

Meanwhile, using quite other techniques, I am preparing some resources for the children at church.  Buried treasure! After making some coins, they will fold some paper to make a “box” to put them in.

Then, a field to bury the box in!


Two different kinds of progress!

The regency stays I have been making are ready for the final fitting – this really will be the moment of truth!  If they are OK, I will add eyelets for the lacing.  If not – start again 🙁

The shoulder strap is a long way from the tab.  When I try it on myself, they might come closer, but if not, I’ll need a long lace!  I won’t be wearing them over a turquoise t-shirt, by the way, that’s just so they show up in the photo.

Most of the eyelets will be down the two sides of the back, where the stays will be laced.

Meanwhile, a cactus which I was convinced had died has flowered!  Here it is awake:

And here it is asleep!  Isn’t nature amazing?


Slight backtrack

At the beginning of lock down, I bought some fabric with a view to making a Regency dress.  Yesterday, I finally decided I had time to begin cutting out, having fixed the problem with my sewing machine.  As we all should, I read through the instructions before beginning, and they said:  Do not wear this with a modern bra, the line won’t be correct.

So, before making the dress, I am going to attempt some stays!

I may also need a new chemise…

Just like a full time job!

It seems like I have spent a whole lot of my life at my computer this week.  I have attended Zoom meetings, watched streamed lectures, updated websites, fiddled around with spreadsheets and attended webinars.

One of the lectures was at lunchtime, so I had a “working” lunch – something I have not done for many years!

I enjoy playing with technology, but I have started deliberately seeking out things I can do away from my computer – elsewhere in the house, or in my potting shed…

Meanwhile, there are more and more flowers on the plants from Rhey!

Seeds and seedlings

There are a number of wild flowers growing about the garden, sown from a packet I found in my collection.  Most of them are hard to tell from weeds, but  a few of them have flowered.  One I particularly like looked like a mini lysianthus when it was in bud, but opened much wider and is quite beautiful – it’s the red one in the photo.

Meanwhile, I have planted out parsley and coriander seedlings.  The basil is still too small.  I have a few small geraniums waiting, and a couple of minute violas and petunias which have survived out of the many I sowed in early spring.  The overall success rate of my little pots has been rather disappointing.

But some of the seedlings from Rhey have flowered!

Another interim project

Some years ago, Phil’s mum gave me a small tote bag, which I used often and with pleasure.  However, the handles were getting worn, so I decided to refashion it into a sort of reticule.  It’s too big for that, really, but will hold all the junk a 21st century woman has to carry!

Back to Court

Since the lock down, District Judges have been doing sterling work keeping the Criminal Justice system going while Magistrates could not practically sit.  From last week, some of us have been called back, to sit in pairs (rather than threes), and do such work as we can while everyone is keeping their distance.  Some work is happening remotely, some over video link and some by phone.

It was my turn to go in yesterday.  It was the first time I had to get properly dressed since March!

The court room is very clean, and everyone is being very sensible.  ipads are cleaned between each use, and there’s a sort of one way system in the ladies…  Hand and surface sanitisers are very much in evidence.

A Project between projects

Over the weekend, while considering what to do next, I sorted out all the books in the loft.

First, empty all the shelves.  Then put the books into categories – move elsewhere in the house, no longer needed, Book Group books, and then by subject.  On top of that, I had to remove the ones I didn’t want from the log, and add any that I hadn’t bothered to log before to the log!  Those are the ones on the seat.  I have been lazy in the past…

At the end of the exercise, there’s one empty crate and two empty shelves.  Very satisfying.  Just the books in the bedroom to sort out now.  Some of those will undoubtedly go on the spare shelves in the loft!